Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blog entry TV 2

BBC News starts off with Cyprus. The president has said that Cyprus might me bankrupt, unless they accept money from other countries in return for their rules of running the country. The people from Cyprus have to pay up to 10% on the money on their accounts, so a lot of people feel like they are stealing their money.
The other big news from BBC was that the new Pope Francis has delivered his first Angelus prayer and blessing to thousands of people on St. Peters square in Rome. The Pope made some changes to the speech that was prepared, which is unusual to do for a Pope.

I don’t really have a good opinion about what is going on in Cyprus. I do understand that other countries need to help them, and therefore set some rules. However, I don’t think people need to mess with somebody’s money, which people worked hard for. Then again, when you don’t have rules to save your country from bankruptcy, everybody will lose their job anyways.  I think this is a difficult situation.
I think it’s nice that the new Pope gave his first speech, although I don’t feel anything for it at all. I do know Italians are very religious, so for them this was a really big deal.


BBC News,  May 17th 2013
Retrieved from:

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